
Welkom. Degene die ergens voelen dat het kan. Jezelf echt veranderen. In een versie die van reageren naar creëren gaat.


Welkom uniek mensen. Dat er niet langer omheen kan draaien. En ziet dat er echt iets meer nodig is om je diepste doelen te manifesteren.


Dat het tijd is voor een radicaal nieuw perspectief. Vanuit een echt nieuw ‘zijn’.


From The Inside Out!



lichaamsgerichte coaching tools

 Easier said than done?

> Yes.


> Absolutely not!


It's easier than most people think it is. Because there are now methods and techniques to really release the sub-conscious patterns, and get the resisting negative beliefs and feelings at the root. And at the other side also have great ways to focus more on the life you wish, in a way that it is really going to manifest. 

And Alfred Petrie and his team have already pre-paved the most easy and effective ways. They have collected, developed and tried it out for you, for more than ten years now! 

Online now: 
unique Somatic Experiencing® Exercise  

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Somatic Experiencing ® 

Take your chance to really get the root of trauma and stress out of the body and mind.

Alfred Petrie is a specialist in this effective body-oriëntated trauma and stress release method: Somatic Experiencing.

Effective Clearing & Reframing

'When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.'
As an experienced reframer and therapist Alfred will give you the experience of letting go negative and sabotaging beliefs and feeling patterns. In an easy and safe way. 

Re-script the story of your life

Not only releasing old stress and limiting beliefs, Alfred Petrie goes further. He guides you also in effectively visualizing and manifesting your absolute dreamlife. as an experienced manifester he teaches the right tools and excercises.